This article, printed in the New York Times,  is a very good read for anyone who is trying to declutter and get organized.

The best way to declutter is by making a commitment to getting stuff out of your house. You must be willing to “let go”of things. If not, progress will never be made. Period.

I happen to be very sentimental and believe everybody should own his or her own “memory box” of cherished possessions.

However, if items do not qualify as sentimental, you must say the following: “Use it or lose it!”

There are 4 categories when decluttering and organizing: KEEP, DONATE, TRASH, SELL.  That’s it.  Keep it simple.

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If you’re overwhelmed with the amount of clutter around you, then start off easy. Work a little bit everyday. Chip away at your clutter.

Start with the items that jump out at you that are broken or you know you will never use again. The no-brainers. Get ’em out!

You will find that purging your unwanted items will make you feel good. You will feel lighter. You will breathe better, I promise.

Now, the items you are keeping, immediately find a home for. That is where that item shall LIVE. Forever.

Think Ben Franklin’s famous quote: “A place for everything and everything in its place”.

This is the mantra for every Professional Organizer on the planet.

Decluttering and organizing CAN be fun!

Don’t forget to drink water and eat healthy snacks. You need your energy. Think of it as exercise too. Hey, you’re burning calories. Turn on some good music too. Make decluttering and organizing a positive experience.
